
Play YouTube™ in the Google Drive

Allows you to save the video link of YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo to Google Drive, and Play a video directly in the Google Drive.

Play YouTube™ in the Google Drive

This app allows you to save the video link of YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo to Google Drive, and Play a video directly in the Google Drive.

upload video from drive to YouTube?

2023年1月24日 — No. This is currently not possible. I suggest you use the Send Feedback from the drop down menu under the Help icon [?] ...


AllowsyoutosavethevideolinkofYouTube,Dailymotion,VimeotoGoogleDrive,andPlayavideodirectlyintheGoogleDrive.,ThisappallowsyoutosavethevideolinkofYouTube,Dailymotion,VimeotoGoogleDrive,andPlayavideodirectlyintheGoogleDrive.,2023年1月24日—No.Thisiscurrentlynotpossible.IsuggestyouusetheSendFeedbackfromthedropdownmenuundertheHelpicon[?] ...